Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Lindsay Lohan Helps Herself

According to Lindsay Lohan, who for the past couple of months has been dealing with a DUI conviction and rehab, she is the one that is responsible for any changes in her lifestyle that is ultimately leading her to become a better person.

She usually has Samantha Ronson at her beg and whim, but Lohan says that Sam is not responsible for any of her changes.

“(Samantha is) a great person,” Lohan said in the October issue of Marie Claire. “And she’s a great influence on people around her. But I think that anything that’s changed in my life is because of me. I’ve gone through it and I’ve had to deal with it and I’ve made the decision to move forward.”

Many of the changes that Loahn has actually undergone involves arriving at work on time, less time spent out partying, and she plans to buy a house with someone, instead of living in and out of hotels for years.

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